Wes is able to return and destroy Doomtron, causing Frax to shut down as a result. He became aware that the Time Force Rangers are looking for the Quantum powers, and he got to it first and forcibly became the Quantum Ranger, much to the displeasure of Wes' teammates. Eric was a loner who wanted to improve his life, but ultimately cared about protecting people. Wes remains unsure regardless. Duke says. Wes eventually develops feeling for Jennifer, but put those feeling on hold when her thought-to-be-dead fiancée, Alex comes to present day to take over the team. They revert to their shrunken state when defeated in normal or giant forms, after which one of the Rangers places them in a studded container with a window on the front that displays the imprisoned mutant. Power Rangers- Legacy Wars (Time Force) Quantum Ranger (Moveset), JSSnippetsStack.push({dependencies:[{"url":"https://slot1-images.wikia.nocookie.net/__am/1602619779888/group/-/wikia_photo_gallery_js","type":"js"},{"url":"https://slot1-images.wikia.nocookie.net/__am/1602619779888/sass/background-dynamic%3Dtrue%26background-image%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%252Fpowerrangerslegacywars%252Fimages%252F5%252F50%252FWiki-background%252Frevision%252Flatest%253Fcb%253D20190930061248%26background-image-height%3D1044%26background-image-width%3D1856%26color-body%3D%2523ebf1f5%26color-body-middle%3D%2523012d59%26color-buttons%3D%25230038d8%26color-community-header%3D%2523012e59%26color-header%3D%25232a1124%26color-links%3D%25236699ff%26color-page%3D%2523000000%26oasisTypography%3D1%26page-opacity%3D81%26widthType%3D0/extensions/wikia/WikiaPhotoGallery/css/gallery.scss","type":"css"}],callback:function(json){WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init(json)},id:"WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init"}). When Wes attempts to retrieve the Quantum Morpher from him out of general distrust by the Time Force team, he and Eric fight; the latter wins. Captain Logan is the head of Time Force, the Rangers' superior officer. Wes is a rich kid from Silver Hills that was chosen to become the Red Time Force Ranger by Jennifer in order to unlock the rest of the Chrono Morphers due to his DNA matching the original Red Time Force Ranger, Alex. Dr. Fericks only survives by rebuilding himself into a robot, and resents Ransik for his actions. Within a year of her return to the future, Nadira is working with children. In Power Rangers Wild Force, Wes and Eric, now best friends, team up with the Wild Force Rangers to defeat the Mut-Orgs. Jennifer Scotts is the female protagonist of the series. Duke looks down and notices a lot of blood coming out of him and then the mighty GI Joe leader falls down dead. When Alex shows up from the future, he reveals that Mr. Collins will die the next day and that Wes' destiny is to take over Bio-Lab from him. Eric hits the sword out of his hand and Duke tackles him to the ground making Eric loose his weapon and punches Eric in the face but Eric kicks Duke off of him and follows with a "tornado kick" to the face making Duke spin and land on his face. She vows to avenge Alex and capture Ransik, who escapes. After returning to the future, she comes back one more time to help fight the Mut-Orgs. Thanks to her, her father realizes his mistakes, and willingly surrenders to the Rangers. Legendary Battle. While the Quantum Ranger does have his own unique Time Force badge, it is not shown onscreen. Eric Myers is the Quantum Ranger, the Sixth Ranger of the the Power Rangers Time Force. Eric reunited again with Ransik , Nadira and the other Time Force Rangers to destroy the Mut-Orgs with the help of the Wild Force Rangers. Philips is the Collins Family's butler and chauffeur. Eric returned with his fellow Time Force Rangers as part of the army of Legendary Rangers that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. Whilst working at the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., Deputy Director Kate Wyman requested a satellie with thermal tracking capabilities. He recovered though and Wes gave him back his morpher, turning over a new leaf, establishing friendships and turning from anti-hero to hero. https://ranger.fandom.com/wiki/Eric_Myers?oldid=3976. After discovering that Wes was the Red Time Force Ranger, Eric attempted to find his own powers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In Power Rangers Wild Force, the Silver Guardians appear to be more of a Police Force than a Private Security Force, showing that the change promised by Mr. Collins was indeed genuine. 2. Eric charges at Duke and the two collide blades. Eric later makes a few other appearances. Eric became a reluctant ally to the regular Rangers, remaining separate and occasionally aiding them at certain times. He is the descendant of Wesley Collins who is known for doing everything by the book and is obsessed with his job. Ransik, having already seen the error of his ways, shows a clear amount of guilt for the Mut-Orgs' existence. Trip is also willing to stand up for what he believes is right, such as when he tried to protect a mutant named Notacon (who did not want to be evil) from being destroyed by Eric Myers just because Notacon was a mutant. When he is not performing Intel for the Rangers, he frequently resides in Trip's backpack. Wes was one of the few people who didn't look down on Eric because of his background and tried to befriend Eric on several occasions, to no avail. He intended them as friends and aides, but Ransik stole the schematics when he betrayed the doctor. Eric worked with Aurico to defeat Tezzla. Apparently she likes Lucas as in one episode she goes out on a date with him after thinking he wrote poetry about her (it was about his race car) but in Reinforcements From the Future at the end he walks off with her holding hands indicating that he may possibly return her feelings. Eric then says. He forced her to help a woman in labor and the sight of the newborn made Nadira rethink her ways. He is also a technological genius, having created the Electro Booster weapon and other arsenal. In terms of operations, Eric is the only 'lone Ranger' actively operating on a rival 'team' than the core rangers, effectively making him a one Ranger team. He is the second villain of the Power Rangers series to not be destroyed in the end. They are unable to speak when in their true form. Eric Myers is the Quantum Ranger of the Power Rangers Time Force team. She accompanied Ransik and the other Time Force Rangers in the Power Rangers Wild Force team-up episode to help them fight the Mut-Orgs. When Mr. Collins discovered that his son was the Red Ranger, things changed. Despite that, he provides help to the Rangers when they are sent back in time, supplying Zords and weapons. Trip shows up alone to stop her, and takes on the mutant. Gluto is a minor, mafioso-themed, mutant criminal who joins the service of Ransik when he is saved from stasis by the arrival of the villain's forces. From this, Eric grew bitter and had few friends. Shortly afterward, Frax betrays Ransik and destroys all his serum. Eric and Wes were later recruited to a team of Red Rangers to stop the renmants of the Machine Empire from activating Serpentera. Eric was resentful for having to work so hard while Wes did not have to work at all. While Wes leads the Rangers in destroying Dragontron, Mr. Collins nearly dies as predicted, but is saved by Alex with future technology as Wes made Alex see the future is not set in stone. When he officially resurfaces, he intends to restore the future to the way it is after the events that occur have shifted the timeline. After Wes saves them from Frax and destroys the energy siphon Alex is trying to take out, he reluctantly hands his morpher over to Wes. References External links. They are fairly strong and attack in massive hordes, but the Rangers have little trouble defeating them. Eric Myers is the Quantum Ranger, the sixth Ranger of the Time Force Power Rangers. When the Rangers departed for the future, Mr. Collins offered Wes command of the Silver Guardians, who would now protect the city from evil for free and Wes accepted on the condition that a surprised Eric be his partner. Eric Myers was a mole within the FBI counter terrorism task force during Day 3 of The Rookie. Eric is first seen as a soldier working for the Silver Guardians, an organization established by Mr. Collins to protect Bio-Lab. Duke orders his men to stop firing and they do, "Listen boy I know how this is going to end and I'm giving you the chance to forget this and walk away" Duke says, Eric gets up from his hiding spot and says, Power Rangers Time Force - Quantum Ranger Morph. Eric is an old friend of Wes Collins, as they attended the same private school. He later attended the same private school as Wesley Collins, where he was snubbed by the other richer students except for Wes.Eric resented the fact that while he had to work hard, the other students didn't at all, embittering him. Eric takes out his Quantum Defender and in Blaster Mode fires at the Joe with the M40 and kills him. Eric was originally supposed to die, like his Super Sentai counterpart, but this was later changed because higher management was unsatisfied with the original ending. These are mutant criminals that have been captured by Time Force and cryogenically frozen in the Cryo-Prison as shrunken figures after committing crimes in Millennium City. Frax is a robot in the service of Ransik, responsible for constructing the army of robot minions that Ransik sends against the Time Force Rangers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This rage goes unnoticed by Ransik for much of the series until Frax's Fury, when Frax finally takes his anger out on him. Later on, Conwing was attacking Silver Hills. In effort to protect Silver Hills from Ransik's forces, Mr. Collins created the Silver Guardians. He pilots Time Flyer 2 and his primary weapons are her Chrono Sabers and the V2 Vector Weapon. As such, he is sometimes gullible, leading to negative consequences. Red However, the Doomtron is destroyed by Wes. He was possibly given a life-sentence, minus the cryogenic freeze, due to willingly surrendering to the Rangers, as he is in a cell under heavy guard when he is released to help stop the Mut-Orgs. First Appearance: The White Knight protected the Battle Fire but was defeated by the Black Knight. Discontent with being a mere soldier, the ambitious Eric obtained the Quantum Morpher to be the Quantum Ranger. Nadira believed that the key to controlling the world in this time period was to be wealthy, and she frequently tries to accumulate more through extortion or theft. Dr. Ferricks was a truly compassionate human, not caring about who or what he helped. She is a rather obnoxious humanoid, who loves being told she is beautiful. He aids the combined Time Force/Wild Force teams, and during the battle he launched a near-suicidal attack on the Mut-Orgs and destroys their mutant halves, but nearly dies in the process. Ultimately the Rangers decide to go back and help Wes, though Alex is against it. His name is most likely derived from glutton or gluttony, considering his obesity.

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